DOT Compliance Training & Workshops

Compliance Associates, Inc. provides a multiplicity of trainings and workshops to ensure our clients’ compliance with the Department of Transportation, the Federal Highway Administration, and the California Highway Patrol rules and regulations. Each program is personalized to be most effective in serving each client’s needs. Some of our programs include:

Drug Awareness for Drivers – Request Training

Fulfilling the motor carriers’ obligation, mandated for DOT compliance by the Federal Government, this one hour long training is designed for drivers. The purpose of the training is to discourage both alcohol and substance abuse through education of the effects such activities would have on a driver’s personal and professional life. Topics include: Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Substance Abuse Professional Program (SAP), Return to Duty Process, and how follow up testing programs work.

Supervisory employees and personnel are taught how to determine whether reasonable suspicion exists within their workplace that would require a driver to undergo alcohol and/or controlled substance testing. The two hour training educates supervisory employees and personnel in regards to physical, behavioral, speech, and performance indicators of probable alcohol misuse and/or drug abuse.

The training goes beyond what the Federal Motor Carrier Association requires by covering such topics as pharmaceuticals, paraphernalia, and adulterants. Supervisory employees and personnel in charge of DOT compliance are given the opportunity to not only to receive training, but also have discussions and feedback from an industry professional who is dealing with the same regulatory issues they face on a daily basis.

This in-depth two hour DOT compliance training is designed for a company’s transportation manager, safety supervisor, or owner. All participants will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills needed to create and maintain their own driver file systems. Through a hands-on approach, each client will leave the class with full understanding of both intra- and interstate driver files. Additional instruction will include how to properly perform past employment inquiries as well as drug and alcohol background checks.