
COVID-19 Progress is one of the few graphs that show success as a downward trend. “Onwards and Downwards” is the mantra of success when it comes to viruses. “The earth’s the limit”, “Reach for the ground”, “Over the bottom”, are the cries of success these days.

The latest sign of success is that there has been great advancement in testing. Even our little part of the country with its 26 and holding cases is in the process of adding a second mobile testing station for drive-by evaluations. A clean Monday marked our fifth day of “no new cases”. Again success is a negative.

The tests, however, are looking for an upward trend, or a gain. The gain they are looking for is a gain in antibodies. Antibodies also known as an immunoglobulin is a large, Y-shapedprotien produced mainly by plasma cells that are used by the immune system to neutralize pathogens such as the COVID-19 virus. Apparently the antibodies exist in a healthy immune system. “Onward and downwards and upwards again” is our new battle cry.